Jun 11, 2008

Broken Pipes and Soggy Carpet

Sunday night the girls went downstairs and came back up and told me it was sopping wet in the little room. So I went down and sure enough, water everywhere. We had a pipe with a slow leak that I guess had been going on for quite a while. We cleaned everything out of the little room (thank you Frank and Liz) and turned off the water. I called the insurance company and they called a restoration company that came and cleaned it all up and ripped out the carpet in the whole basement and cut off the drywall about 1 foot up and now I have huge fans going down there. So I guess I'm getting new carpet and walls and paint down there. Fortunately the insurance covers it all. Neil, bless his heart, and Caleb, bless his too, worked for hours fixing all the pipes down there so we have all new pipes and valves as well.

Planting is Finished!!!

I believe I am finally done but you never know. Now we just wait for it to all grow. The red trees are gone and in their place, tomatoes. I really am getting concerned about the price of food and also the illnesses that are being caused by vegetables bought in stores lately. I've always loved to can my own food and when the kids were young I used to can about 4 0r 5 hundred quarts a year of fruits and vegetables. Besides all the vegetables I've planted, we also have 2 apple trees, a cherry, plumb, pear and peach tree. Also the neighbors next door have an apricot tree that they don't use so we always help ourselves to it.