This one’s big brothers…
Mom is still recovering so it was Fischer’s turn to help me for the day…
I was tired of my bathroom looking like this…
Not really, but I was tired of my old toilet not flushing properly and the inards broke so it was time to take serious action…
He has the official “Plumbers Crack”…
“It’s too heavy Gwams”
Nice new toilet…
“Doesn’t work anymore”…
What should we do with it now?…
Maybe this?…..
That was a lot of work, we need to take a break and soak our sore muscles…
Something’s down there….
I’ll go get it…
Found it…
Time to jump…
And slide…
And be “King of the Castle”…
Next project…
The kids love to get on top of the old shed and being the good Grams that I am, I thought I would help them out a little. So, we got our tools…
Stick your tongue out, it helps….
All done, time to try it out…
Made it…
WAHOOO…The cousins showed up. Let’s play in the new toilet box…
It’s more fun that any old toilet…
Oh look, the horses came to visit…
“How are you today?”….
Let’s feed em….
Monkey Bar break…
I can go the whole way by myself…
There’s that tongue again…
Lets jump!…
Let’s swing…
Lets climb…
“Hi Gwams”…
The cousins left, time to get back to work…
“I can do it by myself”…
What a long busy day… Wore me out…