Do you ever do weird things to your kid? This poor little guy didn’t have a chance. He was born the last of 7 kids and quite a bit later than all the others so not only did he have to put up with all his older brothers and sisters doing things to him, he had to put up with a mother who now had more time to do “fun” things.
20 years ago, GREEN kid with RED spots (chicken pox)
Kid wearing RED shorts who got into GREEN paint…
(I started dyeing his hands and ears green for St. Patrick’s day when he started pre-school and we did it every year. He was such a cute little elf-like kid that I just couldn’t resist.)
Kid with GREEN hands and ears with RED on his bike…
GREEN hair with RED eyes….
GREEN cub scout with RED badges
GREEN ears, lips, hands, and iguana with RED canoe in garage…
Did I mention he has GREEN eyes…
Very GREEN kid with RED truck (he did this to himself!)
Now look what my kids do to their kids…
A few other GREENS and REDS…..
GREEN bunny with RED flower
GREEN chocolate on RED strawberries on GREEN plate…
And finally… GREEN uniform with RED patches on handsome son with GREEN eyes…
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Go visit SUE to see more REDS and GREENS