WAHOOO!! The carpet finally was installed Tuesday. It's so soft and nice. I was really worried for a bit when they rolled it out on the driveway to cut it because it looked really light and green but once it was inside and laid down, it looks exactly how I want. Now I just have to get rid of the lovely 15 year old wallpaper and do some painting and put things back together. (I think I'll get the grandkids together and we'll have a wallpaper ripping party.)
That may take a while though because yesterday I had foot surgery. It's called a Plantar Fascia release. They went in and snipped the tendon that had torn from my heal. I hope it works because it has been bothering me for months. I'm supposed to keep mostly off of it for two to four weeks. AURGHH!!! How am I supposed to do that and what am I supposed to do?
My Primary class brought me dinner last night and it was so cute. Our lesson last week was on gratitude and one of the little boys told me he was grateful for me. It made me feel so good. Now I get to show them my gratitude for making my dinner. What a fun object lesson.