I fell in love with Layla and Kevin's “WONDER WALL” at “The Lettered Cottage”. They have an old house they are redoing and they uncovered the wall in their dining room and found this behind it.…
These kids are so cute and talented. I love visiting their blog and have gotten lots of inspiration from them. They too are remodeling their bedroom so they moved their bed into their dining room and put it in front of their Wonder Wall.
Well, can you see the wheels turning? That’s right! I took THESE…
Made from these FREE DOORS "STUPID"
And started to make my own WONDER WALL…
Of course I needed the help of one of my halves…
We got it all up….
I wanted to make sure that when I painted it, you could see the spaces so I used some old brown paint, I did this…
Then I painted it all white…
Then up went some 2 x 3’s. I’ve had these laying around since last summer when I was given a load of wood from a friend’s old deck. (Remember, I’m not spending any money on this room)…
I painted the 2 x 3’s before I put them up just to make it a little easier. I left a big spot in the middle because I wanted to hang my most favorite painting there….
My dear friend, Dede is a very talented artist and she painted this for me for my birthday over 22 years ago and it has held a very special part in my heart ever since. I wanted it to be the focal point of the whole wall…
I also had these cute frames that I have pictures of my babies in. (Yes they are all mine). These frames were the inspiration of the color I wanted to do my room in…
My bed made it’s way out of the living room thanks to this son…
And voilà….
I’m still tweaking and playing around with it but I love it. Thanks Layla and Kevin.