My honey is home from Iraq for a few weeks so I'm not remodeling or redecorating or repainting or anything for a while.
We're being monsters...
So that's that!
Celebrating wellness
4 days ago
Yeah. Enjoy your time with "honey".
cute! And, you should get day offs, especially when your "honey" is home. :-)
enjoy being monsters!
SO happy for you that your hubs is home! Enjoy!
No one deserves time off more than you and your sweet hubby. Enjoy.
Enjoy Your Time Together! Enjoy The Days of Fall!
Don't have too much fun without me!
But do enjoy. Mimi
I think you all sound like you are always having the best time--ALL the time. Did you know that I am currently up for adoption??
I am so happy your hubby is coming home---treasured time ahead!!
Oh I hope your time is filled with happiness!
I have just discovered your blog, and I am delighted! Thank you for sharing.
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