Any way, long story short, my SIL asked why we needed to stop for doughnuts when we just finished eating a huge dinner and for no reason that I can figure out I just blurted out, “Because they’re free, stupid”
Now my son-in-law is the least stupid man I know. He is very well educated and well spoken and is a lot of fun so where that came from I will never know. It just came out and now it’s pretty funny whenever anyone says it.
Anywhoooo, I was perusing our local online ads yesterday and came upon this…
So I called and ended up with this…
Yes, I needed a few closet doors to replace broken ones but this? Of course, “Because they're free stupid”. I do have plans floating around in the back of my little head though so look out.
I also saw this…
And got this…
It’s for my bedroom. Wahooo!
And, I just had to add this picture of my two halves helping with the laundry. Their Mom took this with her phone so it’s not the best picture but it’s hilarious.
She might be giving them away for free, stupid!
OMG-I am seriously laughing right out loud. Don't you love how those little "sayings" have a way of coming back to haunt you again and again? And the picture of the kids in the laundry room...yeah...
I can see that happening here-lol Great post!! Diana
I might take them. We're kind of short on grandkids and they look like they're ALOT of fun. You are awesome when it comes to doing great things for not a very big price. Fun to at least see you today. Mimi
For the life of me I can't remember how I came across your blog but I'm so glad I did. It's one of the first I check every morning. Love your free doors. If you can't use all of them you can barter for something you can use.
I really need to borrow the two halves. My get up and go has got up and gone these days. I'll feed them well and send them home when everything is done. Of course they'll probably be ready for college by then. lol
You are awesome Janis!! I know you've been pretty busy with your house and all, but I haven't seen any cute vinyl projects lately. Would you get on those! I need some to copy. :)
Holy Moly the things boys get into! Looks like there's never a dull moment (which is perfect!). You never know when something you say innocently enough comes back five-fold years later. Have a wonderful weekend with your projects!
Oh wow, so impressed what you did with these doors! And why have I never known this about Krispy Kreme? Have I been living under a rock or what?
oh Now that is worth the picture. That should be sent to ELLEN. that is so funny.
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